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The amazing video game cosplay of Alyson Tabbitha

Video game cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha, Widowmaker from Overwatch

Alyson Tabbitha is a revered name in cosplay circles these days — and it’s easy to see why. Some call her a shapeshifter, much like Mystique from X-Men (which she has actually cosplayed to a tee); some call her a human chameleon, which is actually quite a fitting description as well because she is able to so adroitly adapt to the look of the character she’s portraying; others still call her a body snatcher, because she looks so identical to the character (and the actress who portrays them, like she does when she looks like a duplicate of Gal Gadot in her Wonder Woman cosplay for instance) it’s like she stole their very body for her own intent.

No matter how you want to describe her talent, Alyson Tabbitha is a top-notch cosplayer at the top of her game and one whose social media platforms we follow in eager anticipation to see what she comes up with next. From Overwatch‘s Widowmaker to Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII to Wonder Woman to mind-boggling genderbend cosplays such as Jack Sparrow from Pirates of Caribbean, Alyson is a truly exemplary at her craft.

The following gallery is a collection of our favorite video game cosplays from Alyson Tabbitha along with a few comic book and miscellaneous pop culture cosplays thrown in for good measure.

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)

Edward Scissorhands

Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)

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Before and After Newt Scamander Cosplay Transformation! 🙂 . It was so much fun being Newt!! So excited for the new movie! 💙🐉🌱 . This was a 3 day cosplay, I recycled & restyled my old Elizabeth Swan wig, Made little green pickett out of hot glue and Paint & re-structured some old & thrifted clothes and borrowed the Coat from my friend @lexiegracelove , amazoned a cheap wand, to wear a costume to Happy Potter Celebration! And BAM! lol I love creating cosplays from scratch, but throwing them together with whatever you can get your hands on is really fun too! 🙂 . I know some people stress over always making something huge and "impressive" completely yourself as if you have to prove something to be a cosplayer. It's playing dress up. Don't stress it, it's not super serious. Just have fun guys.💙 . . #cosplaytransformation #crossplay #newtscamander #newtscamandercosplay #newtcosplay #fantasticbeastscosplay #fantasticbeasts

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Widowmaker (Overwatch)

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Cosplay/makeup made & worn by me! @AlysonTabbitha Photo by: @davidlovephotog Gun prop designed and 3D printed by: @fntsmn ! Sorry for lack of post guys! I'm busy finishing up with moving! My new place has much more creative space and freedom than before so I plan to pump out more content and cosplay tutorials soon!! And although I'm super excited for all the new projects planned for this year (2017), my highlight project of 2016 was definitely Widowmaker! ^_^ I also just want to give a huge shoutout to @cosplayfabrics for their beautiful 4-Way Ultrapreme, and carbon fiber Fabric from the @yayahan line available at @joann_stores ! It was so amazing to work with for this costume and holds up so well through all the wear I put it through! I hope to replace the purple fabric with something from in the future so I can be fully happy with this costume & quality! You can tell their fabrics were made with cosplayers in mind, and many other fabrics I've worked with just don't compare! <3 #widowmakercosplay #blizzardcosplay #widowmaker #overwatchcosplay #overwatch #blizzard #cosplay #cosplayfabrics

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Wonder Woman

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I did a #WonderWoman makeup test, that turned into a full dress rehearsal that resulted in this!! 💖 . Full costume, makeup & hair done by me! ( @AlysonTabbitha ) 🙂 . The costume isn't finished yet, since I still need to make the belts, shoes lasso , and props! But I was so exited I couldn't resist trying it on! lol . I made the armor out of craft foam and poster board, & the base of the breastplate was made out of @TreeFlx ! I definitely leared a lot of new skills while making this! . Once I saw the Wonder Woman movie I stopped all other projects to prioritize this cause I was so inspired! lol . (Shout out to my @pugliepug phone sicker 👌) . #wonderwomancostume #wonderwomancosplay #galgadot #galgadotcosplay #justiceleaguecosplay #justiceleague #cosplayer #cosplaytransformation #cosplaymakeup #ww #wwcosplay #makeuptransformation #beforeandafter #bathroomselfie #beforeamdaftercosplay #inandoutcosplay #jlhalloween #halloween

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Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII)

Tifa Lockhart cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha

Catwoman (Dark Knight Rises)

Mystique (X-Men)

Poison Ivy (Batman Forever)

Ruby Roundhouse (Jumanji)

Joker (The Dark Knight)

Leeloo (The Fifth Element)

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Leeloo Dallas Multipass 💳 MUULLTEEPAAHHHSS . You know how I love me some cosplay transformation photos! Here's one of my Leeloo cosplay! I will always love this costume, It was my most worn costume last year, because of how comfy and fun it is! 🔥 . My patrons saw this pic months ago along with 3 other new un-seen Before and After transformation pics! 🙈 There is also a full tutorial for this makeup, wig and costume, Posted too! Costume done by me! 🤗 . Except the suspenders that were made by the incredible: @cleighcreations 😊 . . . #leeloocosplay #leeloodallasmultipass #cosplaytransformation #beforeandaftercosplay #leeloodallas #fifthelement #fifthelementcosplay #inandoutcosplay

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Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)

Video game cosplay, Lightning from FFXIII by Alyson Tabbitha

Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Queen Padme Amidala (Star Wars)

Padme Amidala from Star Wars cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha

Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)

Video game cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha, Vincent Valentine

Which video game cosplay by Alyson Tabbitha is your favorite? Which cosplay by her is your favorite regardless of genre? To show Alyson some support, be sure to follow her on her Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

RELATED:  This Lizzy Wizzy from Cyberpunk 2077 cosplay will have you feeling futuristic
Written By

Retbit is an independent online publication forged with one prevailing notion: a love of video games, past, present and future.

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