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Video game cosplay of Zelina Vega


The vivacious video game cosplay of Zelina Vega

Thea Megan Trinidad Budgen may be well known by her in-ring professional wrestling moniker, Zelina Vega, and the acclaim that came with being a WWE superstar; however, she has arguably carved out an even more bigger name livestreaming her video gaming passion on Twitch (for which she was released by the WWE in 2020 for “breach of contract”) and cosplaying, the latter of which has garnered her over a million followers on Instagram.

From Loba in Apex Legends to Jade from Mortal Kombat to Catwoman, the following gallery contains some of our favorite comic book and video game cosplay of Zelina Vega.

Loba (Apex Legends)

video game cosplay of Zelina Vega

“I am a thief. And a good one at that. It was the only way I felt true to myself. And those same feelings grew into opportunity. I honed my skills, and enhanced my methods. With success came wealth, power, and friendship. I was the best, and everyone knew it. But something was always missing.”

Zelina Vega steals the show as renowned thief Loba, an unlockable Support character from Apex Legends whose abilities specialize in providing her squad with the highest quality loot. Her abilities include Burglar’s Best Friend, Eye for Quality and her Ultimate, Black Market Boutique.

Jade (Mortal Kombat)

Video game cosplay of Zelina Vega

As a big fan of fighting games, Jade from Mortal Kombat is a perfect fit for Zelina Vega. Jade started out as a secret character in Mortal Kombat II as a palette swap of Princess Kitana. The character has since become integral to the main Mortal Kombat storyline as a bodyguard to Princess Kitana and a spy and assassin for Shao Khan.

Vega (Street Fighter)

Mortal Kombat isn’t the only fighting video game Zelina has repped; here she is as the claw-wielding, Spanish ninja Vega from Street Fighter fame.

Jessie of Team Rocket (Pokemon)

“Prepare for trouble…”

Zelina captures the trouble-starting nature of the infamous Jessie from Team Rocket. And of course, what Jessie cosplay would be complete without Mewoth? (That’s right!)

Harley Quinn

As if Jessie from Team Rocket wasn’t mischievous enough, Zelina takes on the role as former Joker main squeeze turned capricious anti-heroine, Harley Quinn.

Morrigan (Darkstalkers)

Remember how we said Zelina was a big fan of fighting video games? Here she is as one of the main protagonists from the Darkstalkers series, the beautiful, confident and somewhat conceited succubus, Morrigan Aensland.

Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)

Zelina looks more than capable of protecting the galaxy as Jessica Cruz, Green Lantern of Earth.

Rayne (BloodRayne)

Zelina makes a bloody good Rayne, the dhampir (human vampire hybrid) main protagonist of the BloodRayne video game series.

Sailor Jupiter

Zelina makes a fine Sailor Jupiter from the Sailor Moon anime, whose powers are centered around lightning and nature.

Kitana (Mortal Kombat)

Not to be outdone by her Jade cosplay, here’s Zileena as Jade’s original palette source, the razor-sharp fan flinging Princess of Edenia, Kitana.

Jinx (League of Legends)

Zelina adroitly captures the manic, impulsive vibe of Jinx, the Loose Cannon, a Marksman Champion from League of Legends.

Sombra (Overwatch)

Sombra is a stealthy, hacker character from first-person-shooter game Overwatch. Zelina is such a fan of the character that she actually wore the outfit to the ring during the WWE’s 2020 Summerslam event.

Poison Ivy

Zelina is an accomplished belly dancer, a skill which she proudly displays with this cosplay of the plant-controlling Poison Ivy, an iconic villain from Batman’s rogues gallery.

Sindel (Mortal Kombat)

And here’s yet another instance of Zelina cosplaying to the wrestling ring, this time as Princess Kitan’s mother, the banshee screaming Queen of Eternia, Sindel.

Catwoman (Batman Returns)

Zelina makes an absolutely purr-fect Selina Kyle AKA Catwoman, the iconic cat burglar from Batman.

Which comic book and video game cosplay of Zelina Vega was your favorite? Did we leave your favorite off the list? Let us know in the comments.

RELATED:  The crazy good video game and comic book cosplay of Candylion
Written By

Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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