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Return to Un’Goro: A fan-made Hearthstone adventure, Part 2

Elementalist Erulu stood outside the Cave of Rejuvenation, orange-red bands of the setting sun casting an alien glow about her shape. A strangely serene look on her face, in her porcelain-blue eyes. Her palms upturned as if in prayer. Wind blew dust all around her and little javelins of bluish lightning crackled about her feet and the air in her wake seemed to vibrate and pulse. “You will not pass,” she said, voice tinged with scorn. “The elements will not have it.”

(Note: In the last chapter of Return to Un’Goro, you and bright-eyed scout Brinma Boldback ventured through the jungles of Un’Goro in search of a healer for your broken arm. Your journeys brought you to the Cave of Rejuvenation, where Brinma’s “healer friend” resides. One problem: it appears the place is under new management.)

Elementalist Erulu


Before the match:

“The elements are my heart’s fire; my soul’s thunder. You. Will. Leave us alone!”

Emote response:
“(scoffs) You dare speak to me while the elements are present?”

Special Cards:


Card Quantity
Lightning Bolt 2
Fire Fly 2
Fire Plume Harbinger 2
Twilight Elemental 2
Volatile Elemental 2
Lightning Storm 2
Mana Tide Totem 1
Invoke the Elements 2
Steam Surger 2
Hex 2
Servant of Kalimos 2
Loatheb 1
Emberscar the Devourer 1
Hallazeal the Ascended 1
Lyra the Sunshard 1
Fire Elemental 2
Blazecaller 2
Kalimos, Primal Lord 1


Since your injuries caused you to faint in the last chapter of Return to Un’Goro, Brinma Boldback has jumped in to take your place during the battle with Erulu. As a member of the League of Explorers, one of Brinma’s greatest passions is, naturally, the act of discovery. Her deck is a blend of Discover cards, discovery-themed minions and spells with an exploration theme — as well as some choice items she’s held on to from her myriad Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Runs.

Brinma Boldback

Special Cards:

Card Quantity
Dire Mole 2
Spiked Decoy 4
Raven Idol 1
Museum Curator 2
Explorer’s Hat 2
Zarog’s Crown 2
Greedy Pickaxe 2
Stitched Tracker 2
Stonehill Defender 2
Forgotten Torch 2
Keeper of Uldaman 2
Arcane Keysmith 2
Dense Dynamite 2
Free from Amber 1
Lantern of Power 2

Myrssella the Mystic says:

Henobella Ingotbane says:



Brinma says:





Cave Maze:

Special Cards:

Usually found in Thousand Needles, Rrakk has made the caverns beneath the Cave of Rejuvenation its new roost.

If you didn’t hate spiders before…

Calling this card “special” is kind of… pushing it.

🎵 “Down in a hole.”


Card Quantity
Haunted Creeper 2
Frost Widow 2
Fiery Bat 2
Wandering Monster 2
Misdirection 2
Sudden Betrayal 2
Cave Bat 2
Cave Hydra 2
Giant Cave Bat 2
Infested Wolf 2
Exploding Bloatbat 2
Cave Zombie 2
Rrakk 1
Entomb 2
Cave Pit 3

Brinma says:

The Stranger says:



Before the match:

“The only thing which holds together the fragile threads of my ever diminishing sanity is my love of battle. The thrill of victory! Face me, fiends!”


The Wanderer utilizes a Patron Warrior deck. Yes, he’s been lost a long time.


When you reach the end of the maze you find Astralwarder Stonebelch pinned cruciform to the cavewall, thorium shackles on his wrists and ankles. His jaw hangs and his long grey beard looks bedraggled, bile-crusted.

Brinma says:


The next chapter of Return to Un’Goro brings us out of the caves and back into the jungle. Feel free to leave any criticism/suggestions/commentary in the comments section!

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Written By

Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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