More accurate shooting is crucial to winning Fortnite matches. So, it’s worth setting some time aside for aim training. Although Fortnite doesn’t include any built-in aiming exercises, there are many Creative maps available for aim training. Those are player-made islands where you can practice aiming and shooting at dummy targets. This is how you can do some serious aim training for Fortnite battle royale matches.
Where to Find Map Codes for Aim Training Maps
To play on aim training maps in Fortnite, you must input special codes to access them. Those codes are available on the official Fortnite and Fortnite Maps sites. Both those sites include vast collections of Creative maps.
For example, open up the official Fortnite website page. Then, input the keyword aim training within its search box and press Enter. The aim training keyword will find a wide variety of practice maps. Select a map to view details and click its code to copy it to the clipboard.
How to Enter Map Codes
When you’ve copied a code for an aim training map, you can play on it by inputting the code into your Fortnite game. Start your Fortnite game and click inside its search box on the menu screen. Press Ctrl + V to paste your copied code into the search box. Fortnite will find a map with the code you entered and display a thumbnail image for it.
To enter the map, click its thumbnail image. Then, click the Play button for it. Any Creative map you play on will be available for selection again from the menu as a recently played item.
You can add a map found or played to your favorites. Click the ellipses menu button when hovering your cursor over the map’s image to select Favorite. You can access those bookmarked maps by clicking the library button on the menu screen and selecting Favorites > Favorite Islands.
Aim Training on the Shooting Range Map
The Shooting Range is one recommended map for Fortnite aim training. This island includes standard, 360, Free Play, and PVP aim training ranges and hundreds of Chapter 6 weapons to try out. To play on this map island, copy and input its 2524-6026-4229 code into Fortnite.
You will enter a building that includes a big collection of guns when this map starts. Walk up to the wall with attached guns and press E to pick one up. You can also pick up heal replenishment and grenades from the two tables beside that wall.
Then, walk in front of the standard aim training range. This is a range on which you can shoot at moving practice dummies from variable distances. Shoot the Mid or Far options for that range on its settings well to change the distance of the dummies. To make them move faster, shoot the fastest Movement option. You can also throw in some cover for them by turning on the Obstacles setting. Then, shoot at the moving dummies to your heart’s content!
To fight the dummies in open play, check out the Free Play range. This is aim training in which the dummies shoot back and can kill you. You can increase the number of bots for Free Play by shooting +1 for the Target setting. To make things more realistic, add some cover for yourself by turning on the Obstacles setting. Then, walk into the warp to enter the Free Play area, in which you can shoot down the dummies.
Aim Training on the Practice Warm-Up Aim, Edit, and Piece
Practice Warm-Up Aim, Edit, and Piece is an island map for aim, build, movement, and combat training. However, you can configure it more specifically for aim training. This island enables you to play through warm-up courses before matches. The code you’ll need to access this aim-training island is 5686-1739-4834.
You’ll enter this island in a room where you can pick up guns and configure the ultimate warm-up. If you only want that warm-up for aim training, shoot the green toggle switches for Equipment, Tunnel, Realistic Fights, Combat, Movement, and Piece Control to disable them. However, make sure Aim and Aim II remain enabled. Then, shoot Play to enter the warm-up.
The aim training exercises here throw up moving dummy targets to shoot at from close range and further away within a blue room. Shoot down all the targets to complete the aim-training warm-up. The second Aim II room includes close, medium, and long-range targets to shoot at alongside obstacles.
Alternatively, you can do some Fornite aim training with this map’s extra game mode. This map has Shooting Range, Aim Dual, Tracking, and Close Range game modes for practice beyond the warm-up routine. Shoot at those game modes along the Extra Game Modes panel to enter them.
For example, you can shoot at moving dummies that don’t fire back on the Shooting Range. That range includes Target Range, Speed, Obstacles, and Damage Multiplayer settings you can adjust by targetting them and pressing E. So, it is a slightly more flexible practice mode to the Aim and Aim II warm-ups you can configure according to preference.
Other Aim Training Maps
There are many more Fortnite aim-training maps you can try out beyond the Practise Warm-Up and Shooting Range. Here are some more codes for aim-training islands to check out:
- Ranked Aim, Edit, Piece: 4859-7673-2109
- Clix Aim Trainer: 1090-1665-3359
- Skaavok Aim Trainer 1.0: 8022-6842-4965
- Jarvy Aim Train 2.0: 8765-1581-2739
- First Person Ultimate Aim Train & Warmup: 4413-3898-3778
You can enhance your shot accuracy in Fortnite by aim training on the Shooting Range and Practice Warm-Up Aim, Edit, and Piece maps as outlined above. Those islands include a good mix of ranges and game modes for tracking, aiming, and shooting practice from short, mid, and long distances. Or try out the other aim-training islands listed above to see what they offer for target practice.
Did this guide on how to aim train in Fortnite help you get a more cracked shot? Do you have any tips of your own that have helped improve your aim and shot in Fortnite during your playtime? Let us know in the comments.

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