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The best Fortnite skins (and how to get them)

Black Knight, Hybrid and more skins from Fortnite Season 2/Epic Games

One of the many attributing factors to Fortnite’s wild success is its vibrant cartoonish aesthetic and colorful variety of character skins. After all, what’s the point of busting a cap in someone’s virtual a– if you can’t look good while doing it?

The following are what we consider the best Fortnite skins in the game, based on appearance, memorableness and overall flavor.

Max Lynx

Wakanda Forever!

In the Black Panther comics, there’s a storyline where Shuri, T’Challa’s younger sister had to assume the mantle of the Black Panther; of course, this meant she had to flex her very own suit of vibranium, which looked like this.

The striking resemblance between Shuri’s Black Panther and Max Lynx means we get to further fulfill our Marvel Cinematic Universe daydream scenarios in Fortnite by having her link up with Domino, Psylocke, Cable and Deadpool.

The Lynx skin could be unlocked by purchasing the Fortnite Season 7 Battle Pass. The Max Lynx black skin required the player to complete 55 weekly challenges in Season 7 Battle Pass.

Black Knight

Fitted with a sleek black helm, black breastplate, and shinguards, the Black Knight lives up to its namesake and then some with its medieval knight mixed with modern day commando aesthetic.

Combined with the Black Shield, one of the best looking Back Bling pieces in the game, the Black Knight is one of the most iconic, rare and intimidating Fortnite skins of all time.

The Black Knight could be unlocked in the Season 2 Battle Pass at Tier 70.


The abnormal fear of snakes is ophidophobia. The abnormal fear of sharks is galeophobia. The abnormal fear of clowns is coulrophobia. All very valid fears, we have to admit.

But Fortnite has made us discover what might be the most valid fear of all: Crackshotophobia, or the fear of getting your s— shot up by a giant nutcracker doll with the most deranged, pants-sh——– terrifying looking face ever carved into wood.

Crackshot was the Legendary Fortnite skin from Christmas 2017. It can be purchased from the Item Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks when listed.


One of our favorite G.I. Joes growing up was Beach Head, a sergeant major who wore a green ski mask. Beach Head not only looked cool, but he was a hilarious drill sergeant for the Rawhides in G.I. Joe: The Movie


Raptor definitely gives off Beach Head vibes, only with a yellow ski mask and a “Royale Air Force test pilot” aviation-themed outfit as opposed to infantry camos. The brown aviator jacket with the shearling collar, matching combat boots and Raptor Satchel back bling combination is a tough look, we have to admit — and Raptor pulls it off with flying colors.

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Raptor is a Legendary-rarity Fortnite outfit that can be purchased from the Item Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks.

Triple Threat

One of our favorite contestants from the guilty pleasure reality show Flavor of Love was Nikki “Hoopz” Alexander.

Triple Threat, with her backwards hat, basketball jersey and knee-high socks exudes the same sense of allure, confidence and athletic aptitude which Hoopz did, which makes her one of our favorite Fortnite skins, despite the fact that on the surface she looks like she’s about to run a game of streetball, not Fortnite Battle Royale.

Triple Threat is a Rare skin that can be obtained for 1,200 V-Bucks.


The metatextual Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, is one of our favorite Marvel comic book characters — so we’d be remiss if we didn’t include him in our list of favorite Fortnite skins.

The Regeneratin’ Degenerate is also a perfect fit for the world of Fortnite, with its trash-talking characters, profusion of dance moves to unleash once an opponent is eliminated and the overall premise of a flying bus dropping people on an island where they’re forced to kill each other (even if Deadpool has shown signs in-game of harboring a grudge against the bus driver).

To learn how to unlock Deadpool, check out our Maximum Effort: How To Play As Deadpool In Fortnite BR guide.


Drawing inspiration from the West Virginia folklore legend of the Mothman, Mothmando not only has one of the best names out of all the Fortnite skins, but also one of the most fun and original designs.

Just try to keep him away from lamps.

Mothamando is an epic skin that can be bought in the shop for 1,500 V-Bucks.


We used to play a lot of World of Warcraft and the Stoneheart Fortnite skin gives us definite Ironaya from Ulduman and Maiden of Virtue from Karazhan vibes, which is what initially drew us to her.

The second thing that drew us to Stoneheart? That enigmatic smirk. She’s like some granite Mona Lisa smiling at some secret we can never know.

Maybe that secret is that Stoneheart is actually a titanlike construct from World of Warcraft lore? Is this the lead-in to a Fortnite/World of Warcraft crossover? [Insert dramatic music here]

First appearing in Fortnite Season X, the Stoneheart skin can be purchased in the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks.

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If you ever wanted to be a gun-toting warlock/druid conflation from World of Warcraft, Raven is the Fortnite skin for you.

If Raven’s black and purple leather motif, shadowy black hood and glowing purple eyes aren’t grimdark-cool enough for you, there’s also a Deadpool-oriented variation, Ravenpool, who abides by the slogan, “Maximum darkness,” a play on his “Maximum effort” joke from the Deadpool film.

Raven can be purchased from the Fortnite Item Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks when available.

The Ravenpool variation can be purchased for 1,500 V-Bucks.


Although the Galaxy skin is no longer available, we had to include it for a few reasons. First, he looks like a timeless, cosmic-powered bad-a–. Second, he reminds me of Algalon the Observer from World of Warcraft, from whom he probably draws influence.

Galaxy was the most expensive skin in Fortnite, as it required players to have pre-ordered or purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note (starting price: $999) or the Galaxy Tab S4 (starting price: $650).

If you missed your shot at the Galaxy skin and want the closest thing, Samsung and Epic subsequently released the Samsung Glow skin, which requires you to have Fortnite installed on your Samsung device.


The Reaper is a Fortnite skin of focus, commitment, sheer will… something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar…with a pencil. With a f*cking pencil!

That’s right. The Reaper is John Wick in Fortnite. And although he doesn’t use a pencil in-game, he’s certainly strapped with guns. Lots of guns.

John Wick is called the Reaper in Fortnite because he’s like death incarnate. And in the movie universe, he has the nickname “Baba Yaga,” or boogeyman, which the Reaper nickname plays upon.

The Reaper skin was a reward for players who reached Tier 100 with the Season 3 Battle Pass. The skin was later modified so that the actual likeness of Keanu Reeves as John Wick could be purchased from the Item Shop for 2,000 V-Bucks; this was a divisive move among the fanbase, as it seemed to cheapen the original Reaper’s look, which had to be earned by players instead of just purchased like the official Keanu Reeves one.

Which Fortnite skin is your favorite? Did we leave one off the list? Sound off in the comments.

Written By

Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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