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Cosplay Spotlight: Rumplepigskin captures the look of Ciri from The Witcher, Jessie from Pokemon’s Team Rocket and more

Rumplepigskin AKA Jenna has quickly become one of our favorite cosplayers here at Retbit. She not only captures the look of popular gaming femme fatales like Ciri from The Witcher, Jessie of Team Rocket from Pokemon and K/DA Akali from League of Legends — but a host of other characters from Disney’s Belle, Elsa and Ariel to Spider-Gwen from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

The following are some of our favorite Rumplepigskin cosplays in no particular order:

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Elsa (Frozen)

Phoenix (X-Men)

Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Kim Possible

Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)

Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy)

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⭐Pushing out of my comfort zone! Saw guardians of the galexy vol 2 over the weekend and I think I liked it even better then the first !!! I wanted to play with a Gamora cosplay- because c'mon she's awesome !!!⭐ . . First time doing overall make up like this! A little splotchy, but great practice before trying it at a con. 😄 Found the wig last minute at a wig shop down the street, I was amazed it was the perfect colors ! And I already had that little groot on my shelf 😁 . . . #closetcosplay #iamgroot #popdoll #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #gamora #alien #universe #gamoracosplay #marvel #marvelcosplay #superhero #strongwoman #kickass #makeup #omg #whosthat #cosplaymakeup #comicbooks #mylife #green #starlord #practice #selfie #magicmonday #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #geekgirl #tough #dontsmile

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Jessie of Team Rocket (Pokemon)


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Ok for #transformationtuesday throwing it back to when I got to be Maleficent for a Princesses With a Purpose event !!! I wish I took more then one half blurred cell phone selfie, but alas.😭 This was so fun tho!!! It was really hard for me not to smile at the kids haha. I'm so used to them hugging me not being afraid. . . Best line of the night a little girl came running up to me and screamed "you're a dirty, dirty crook!"🤣😂 I'm definitely going to get this outfit for a con down the road. Try out some cheek prosthetics 😉💕 . . . . . . #maleficent #sleepingbeauty #aurora #angelinajolie #maleficentcosplay #sidebyside #cosplay #disney #villian #princesseswithapurpose #dark #strength #evilqueen #selfie #cosplaylife

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Ciri (The Witcher)

Roxanne (A Goofy Movie)

Violet Parr (The Incredibles)



Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)

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❤" No one asked you to dance?" – "No…. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise, but when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long you become separated from the people that put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes I'm too good for them…" ❤ . . .As promised, another shot of my Pyrrha cosplay . I loved this cosplay and this character for being such a badass yet always above all else, humble and kind. Swipe over to see my side by side ! . . . Thank you for this shot @patricksunphoto Weapon by @wizatron_prime . #pyrrha #pyrrhanikos #rwby #cosplay #momocon #warrior #humbleandkind #anime #cartoon #cosplayer #momocon2018 #armor #sword #rubyrose #redhead #athena #strong #conlife #roosterteeth #badass #girlpower #cosplayersofinstagram #sidebyside

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Yue (Avatar)


Zero Suit Samus (Metroid)

K/DA Akali (League of Legends)

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Guys we've been doing some streaming on Mixer and it's been REALLY fun!!! So I thought a video game cosplay shot would be appropriate to mention @ger_jimielli and I will be streaming tonight between 930-12! 🎮 name is Rumplepigskin1 because apparently someone took Rumplepigskin already haha. You can stream from the Mixer website from any device ! Setting up a Twitch was a bit daunting especially without a great computer to stream off of, so for dipping my toes in, Mixer is already incorporated on the Xbox and since that's what we usually play, it seemed like a good fit. If we keep enjoying it I'll introduce PC games like #leagueoflegends but gotta save up for a new system! Also I'm having so much fun editing Akali photos! I LOVE her aesthetic from KDA. Swipe to see the original taken by the awesome @marc.overcash ! 😁 . . . . . . . . #kda #akali #graffiti #cosplay #beforeandafter #wcw #neon #picoftheday #photoediting #obsessed #momocon #artist #painting #city #atlanta #videogames #geekgirl #gamergirl #stream #mixer #twitch #badass #gfx #editing

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which Rumplepigskin cosplay is your favorite? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

Want to show Rumplepigskin some support? Head over to her Amazon Shop page for budget cosplay and clothing ideas for do it yourself cosplay.

RELATED:  The best video game cosplay of Beke Jacoba
Written By

Retbit is an independent online publication forged with one prevailing notion: a love of video games, past, present and future.

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