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Hearthstone: Inara Stormcrash, new Shaman Legendary minion revealed

Hearthstone, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

The theoretical Enhancement Shaman archetype in Hearthstone‘s upcoming Madness at the Darkmoon Faire expansion gains an integral centerpiece with new Shaman Legendary minion, Inara Stormcrash.

Inara Stormcrash

Inara Stormcrash

  • Class: Shaman
  • Card type: Minion
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Mana cost: 5
  • Attack: 4 HP: 5
  • Card text: On your turn, your hero has +2 Attack and Windfury.

Although Inara Stormcrash figures to be the crux of weapon attacking Shaman decks in Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, the card’s “Doomhammer as a body effect” might be strong enough to stand on its own regardless of which Shaman deck it’s included in, as a few attack buffs and Rockbiter Weapon are enough to make this card lethal without any other auxiliary effects. For instance, equipping Rune Dagger after playing Inara Stormcrash plus 2 Lightning Bolts would be 16 damage for a total cost of 7 mana.

What do you think of Inara Stormcrash? Do you think she’ll be an auto include minion in Shaman decks or a potentially dangerous centerpiece for certain Shaman archetypes? Could Inara serve to bolster the ostensibly underwhelming Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer to serviceable levels? Let us know in the comments.

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Ninja Gaiden was my rite of passage at an early age. After finally beating that game (and narrowly dodging carpal tunnel) I decided to write about my gaming exploits. These days I enjoy roguelikes and anything Pokemon but I'll always dust off Super Mario RPG, Donkey Kong Country and StarFox 64 from time to time to bask in their glory.

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